Plastic Free Business Champion plaque next to pot plant
We're leading the Plastic Free Thanet campaign with Rise Up Clean Up, Refill and Surfers Against Sewage. Find out how you can get involved as a business or individual.

Co-relate is a content and co-creation consultancy.

We devise and run creative projects to listen to, involve and empower communities.

You'll find us in Margate and London.

We are a Living Wage employer
Making sure Co-relate staff and freelancers are paid fairly.
Social Enterprise badge - business for good
Buying from social enterprises like ours means giving back to communities.
Talking about books in The Margate Bookshop pop up shop
See how we've partnered with Margate Bookie - the friendly lit fest by the sea.
Roger Robinson - On Creativity book cover with editing from Co-relate
From compelling narrative to fine-tuned text and strong imagery - find out who we've worked with and how we can support your projects.
Dancing Dreamland sign
We love connecting people, places and ideas. Read more on our blog or have your project featured on it.
co-relate corelate blog zine making workshop
What is co-creation, how it works and a few examples from our portfolio.